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Showing posts from June, 2009

Indonesia Keren!

well, I was blog-walking when I found another worthy click. http://menteridesainindon KEMENTRIAN DESAIN REPUBLIK INDONESIA. Maybe some of you have known it, but for you who haven't heard this before, it's totally awesome! it's cool rite when we have a design ministry? actually, this ministry haven't on official but we really support it! wanna know some of their design? here it is ... or in 'bule' version You know Indonesia has a beautiful place that call 'Taman Nasional Komodo' at Komodo Island. This national park are going to proposed as a New Wonders of The World (wow, how amazing it is). Wanna know of the logo? it's really nice too to get more tourist! hhe :) Actually, you can go to that site to see more design and information. but I think it really (what can i say? 'woww!'), so I have to put here hihi. And another awesome design ... just click here! Vote Taman Nasional Komodo as a Ne


YEAY! I'm very pleased when my dad went back home and came to my room. he told me something special! Wooohooo.. my next hidden agenda. I'm not going to spend my holiday here, not in jakarta, not in java, not in Indonesia! (yep, guess it now! haha). But not just in title "spend holiday" but I'm going to do something worth. Oh my my.. just wait and see what will I do, hihi. Not in hurry, just relax. I don't know, maybe today is really fun. Today, my exam is over! hell yes, I'm bored if I have to memorize all of formulation, and word by word. Don't discuss the result, you're not going to change my mood rite? hehe. And after this, I'm going to have a piano concert! well, perfect holiday (for me) hehe. It'll be hold on: Sunday, June 28th, 2009 10.30am-till drop at Sekolah Musik Yayasan Pendidikan Musik Bintaro and it's free! well, just hope my perfect plan are gonna run well :D

Study in Germany/France

this morning, I still had to go to school. Saturday? yep, saturday. What for? for exam. weird. It was chemistry and indo language exam. ah, I don't wanna discuss my exam now. go to posting ... I was opening my facebook when i found my friends were chat there. I found a worth site. It's for you (including me) who wanna continue your study in Germany or France . you know that some of country in europe has made their subsidi to education, so you can study there with free or low fee!! nice rite? sure.. you should check it out! find information there. and see you at Germany! hahaha :D nb: thanks to bicung for this site. I will visit you in france when it's holiday. :D

Semua gara-gara Essay Matematika

Huaaa.. baru hari pertama UAS aja udah ngeselin, gimana besok besok?! tadi pelajarannya adalah Kewarganegaraan dan Matematika. Dan ketika bel berbunyi waktu tanda ujian Matematika selesai, semua siswa keluar dari ruangan langsung bertanya kepada teman-temannya yang memang pas lagi ujian tidak memungkinkan untuk ngobrol, dengan kalimat yang sama: "tadi essay lo bisa ngerjain ga?" "tadi essay lo ngerjain berapa nomor?" "berapa nomor essay yang lo kosongin?" "eh tadi nomor .... lo jawabannya berapa?" ada yang langsung curhat tanpa ba-bi-bu lagi: "iiihhhh.. ngeselin banget deh essaynya!" "anjrit, susah banget lagi essay! gue ga bisa" dan masih ada yang keluar dengan tampang ngeselin (baca: tersenyum). Ada beberapa kemungkinan dia tersenyum: dia memang bisa ngerjain; atau dia tidak peduli angka apa yang akan terpampang dilembar nilai, haha. Dan gue? hmm.. gue prefer yang gak peduli dengan angka berapa yang akan ter