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Overview: Steal Like An Artist

Steal Like An Artist
by Austin Kleon

It was such a greaaatt book. I love it. I read it faster than the other book, cause I feel like to keep reading it. Austin Kleon shared about how to unlock your creativity:
  1. Steal like an artist
  2. Don't wait until you know who you are to get started
  3. Write the book you want to read
  4. Use your hands
  5. Side projects and hobbies are important
  6. The secret: do good work and share it with people
  7. Geography is no longer our master
  8. Be nice. (The world is a small town)
  9. Be boring. (It's the only way to get work done)
  10. Creativity is substraction
Actually, you can read that 10 points on the back of the book :D

The 'Use Your Hands' really stay in my mind. If I want to get something, use your hands, not digital thing like computer. Draw manually, take brush and colour it, playing with clay, doodling, sketch, playing the music, etc.. just use your hands.

I started to get notes, and wrote down what I have been through everyday. Not like diary with detail description, but just some points. It is good for brain, to have a good memory. Wrote everything, bad things, good things, what I ate for lunch, what I bought, ah and it is good for organizing the money. I tried this since 3 months ago, and it works for me.

I copying. Sometimes when I stuck for something, I steal the idea of people. Copying something will not make you a copy cat. When you copy something, it won't be 100% same like the original. There is something different, even when you copied. I make what other people make, when I try by my own, the idea of mine just came up, so my copy would not be the same. 

I started to blog again, share what I do or what I get because it is not so secret formula, its said. I blog when I was high school, and I stopped for 3 years because of my study, then I started again. People always said 'do blogging', and I do it, but for what? Actually, I really don't know why people suggest the same thing, but I think blog is a nice activity to do. Do not care who read your blog (but sometimes I wonder), I just want to share. It is not the bad thing after all.

This world is really small. Just careful for what you said or what you did, because you do not know what will happen next. Try to be nice to people is not easy, I know. It is easy to be heavy, hard to be light, Gretchen Rubin said. But I will try to be nice, you may not know what coming for you.

Doing the same thing over, and over again, like work, it is not the bad thing. Wake up in the morning, take shower, do your work, lunch, do your work again, dinner, sleep, and repeat that again, it is boring. Be boring is the only way to get work done. For my assignment, I did the draw, eat, draw again, eat again, draw again, and again. Yeah, it is the only way to get my work done. 

I lovvveee it. This is my inspiration for the creativity. Thank you Austin Kleon, you really are amazing.

I rate 5 out of 5.


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