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Download gratis

tau tentang Adhitia Sofyan? Yang ngisi Soundtrack Album 'Kambing Jantan'? Belum punya lagunya dan pengen punya? well, I have some information for you to download all his song, FREE! (who don't like something free?), not just his song but also album cover + lyrics. Okee kan? here it is ...

Download per track :

Download the zip file (around 60mb) :



  1. i'll be looking up my window lalalalal~ ga hafal lagi. hehe yang gue tau cuma adelaide sky hihi. dhir lo suka akustik ga?

  2. suka dong, emg knp? lo suka? enak bgt nda lagu2nya adhitia sofyan, hampir sealbum gue suka smuanya haha

  3. kamu juga suka aditya sofyan ka ? sama dooooong haha

  4. yoa, enak ya lagunya? mantap haha


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